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Celebrating Dobbs

Where do we go from here in 2024?

As we celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the glorious Dobbs decision, more of us now realize that while a great victory, it was a only a battle that was won, not the war.


Abortion certainly has not ended, and abortion extremists seem to have the wind at their backs, with a big assist from the always obliging media, the Biden Administration and the addition of even more mega donors, such as Melinda Gates.  Together, they have frightened many into believing that the pro-life movement has a callous disregard for the lives of women.


As a result, we are losing some of the “middle.”  Every social issue has about 10% hard core supporters on each end of the spectrum, and both sides are vying for the folks in the middle if they care about winning.


For a while, pro-lifers were busy targeting the people in the middle. We talked to them about Partial Birth Abortion, which most Americans find horrific, about parental consent laws, and we gave platforms to women hurting from abortion.  We began to move public opinion, elect pro-life lawmakers and change the law.  This is the way!


I worked in an office where a member of my staff had made it clear that she was pro-choice.  That was until she heard about partial birth abortion on the radio on the way to work. She came in looking like she had seen a ghost and asked me if it was true. She literally fell into her chair as I explained that it was.  Then she whispered, “Well, I am not for that.”  In a matter of minutes, she had converted.


Now it seems many of us have lost our way, are patting ourselves on the back and trying to lap up the crumbs on the table by passing city ordinances that do little and are unlikely to withstand scrutiny of the courts.  It’s time to change the conversation and win back the middle!


Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others have already stated that if Democrats take over Congress, they intend to break the rules to pass the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act, which would erase nearly ALL limitations on abortion in every state.  That would include of course, some 25 years of pro-life legislation passed in Texas – the Human Life Protection Act, The Heartbeat Act, parental involvement laws, informed consent, sonogram requirements, and so on.


There is no protect ion for unborn babies Democrats in Congress will agree to support—not even when babies can feel pain, not even when babies are fully formed, healthy and viable.  Senators Elizabeth Warren and Catherine Cortez Masto have even introduced legislation that would OUTLAW pregnancy help centers! 


These are the issues the people in the middle care about.  When your friends, family or co-workers bring up abortion, ask them about these indefensible positions of the abortion activists! This is the way we got to Dobbs.  This is the way we continue to win. Babies are counting on us to win.





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