NTX March for Life - Saturday Jan. 18, 2020
The North Texas March for Life is Saturday, January 18, 2020!
Texas’ largest pro-life event is just around the corner, and we desperately need your help to mobilize your church and friends to stand with us for life.
The March for Life brings together pro-lifers from across Texas and neighboring states to stand together as a public witness and encourage each other as we renew our mission of stopping the killing.

Why should you March with Us?
We’ve come a long way in our fight to protect moms and babies from abortion—abortions nationally are down below what they were when Roe v. Wade became the law of the land in 1973! But I am scared.
I am scared because suddenly EVERYTHING hangs in the balance. America is on the verge of making a massive decision on abortion. Will abortion advocates have their way with unlimited abortions that we pay for? Or will we continue to dismantle Roe and its legacy of death?
Will we choose a president who stands for Life, appointing pro-life judges and justices, or one who would force a radical pro-abortion agenda on us – one that includes infanticide even?
Truth that Transcends. . .
Abortion advocates understand it’s all on the line, and they will be marching that same day. The media will be there, covering both our event and theirs. Will you be there to be counted for Life? Will you stand for Truth that Transcends race, politics, religion and even nations—truth that insists every human life is intrinsically valuable and worth protecting?
Lives are counting on you!
Stand with us for the babies! Encourage your church to come as a group. Bring a banner to this family-friendly event. Lives are counting on your public witness! Speakers like abortion survivor Claire Culwell and anointed music by Christ for the Nations ensure you will leave encouraged, revived and ready to make 2020 a winning year for Life!
We make it fun & easy to come downtown!
There are many resources on our website (www.texlife.org) to help you: a parking lot map, information about mass transit, etc. There will be restrooms and food trucks at the event, as well. Call us for information about a few buses that will provide rides for a nominal fee. And we have a bulletin announcement for you, flyers and posters to help you spread the word. Because we need you – the babies need you.
Just let me know how many more flyers and/or posters you need for your church or group. And remember, the Lord will not forget your sacrifices on behalf of the least of these!
We appreciate you and wish you and yours the very best Christmas. See you after that at the March on Saturday, January 18th!
Yours for Life,
Jacqueline Rodriguez

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