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Texlife on roe v WADE


After nearly 50 years of commitment and prayer, truth and justice have finally prevailed following the overturn of Roe v. Wade.  Texans for Life is indebted to the majority of United States Supreme Court Justices for overturning the Burger Court's most grievous decision, which sanctioned throughout our nation the horror and death of more than 60 million infants in their mothers' wombs.  Our prayers continue to be for the safety of these courageous Justices.


In celebration of this extremely significant victory for life, Texans for Life wishes to convey a message to the nation: the pro-life movement is not going home; we are just getting started.  As we love and care for more mothers and babies than ever before, over 200 pregnancy help centers in Texas will expand to nearly 300 sites.  We have been preparing for this moment and Texans for Life Coalition has been working with pregnancy centers to identify and eliminate any gaps in care. Tens of millions of dollars from private donations and $50M a year from Alternatives to Abortion funds from the State of Texas will help our pregnancy help centers to set the standard for the nation-and Texans for Life will work with them every step of the way to meet the needs of vulnerable pregnant women.


Now we work to press on toward our goal of making abortion unthinkable and ensuring every mother and baby has everything necessary to be all they were created to be.  This will be the church’s finest hour. Will you join us?

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Pray this Year


The US Supreme Court decided Friday, June 24, 2022, that The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled, and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people [states] and their elected representatives.


Pray for protection for the Justices of the US Supreme Court, and those working in Pro-Life pregnancy centers and organizations, such as Texans for Life.


Despite our efforts, our work is far from done. Women and babies will need aid in the future. As they choose life, moms and babies will need more from us, and we will be there to help them.  

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Pray for TLC

Join us as a prayer warrior year round as we work to save lives and change hearts. Regular prayer-need updates will provide prayer guidance and give you insight about the vital needs of our ministry.



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Schedule a presentation on any number of pro-life topics for your church, prayer group or club. You may also request our Choices & Consequences program (an abstinence presentation) for your school or youth group.

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P.O. Box 171443, Arlington, Texas 76003
Phone: 817-572-1115

@2016 by TLC.  Created by SH Media

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